Web 2.0 is a marketing term (Web Wednesday 6)

It’s a marketing term.

That was the reply of Outblaze founder and CEO Yat Siu when asked what he thought of “Web 2.0”, a term that is over-used, over-hyped, and often associated with obscure companies. The idea behind Web 2.0 – interlinked platforms, social software, and online services that encourage user contribution – is one of the most powerful, promising, and appealing aspects of the evolving Internet, but surely we must retain some perspective. Let us not forget the late ’90s bubble heyday of the prefix “e-“.

Yat was being interviewed at the sixth Web Wednesday, held at Lotus on Pottinger Street in Hong Kong on Wednesday November 7, 2007, for an audience of 130 or so hailing from diverse technology and marketing backgrounds.

The podcast of the interview is available on the Web Wednesday web site.